Starboy Kwarteng, father of the late Ghanaian singer Ebony Reigns, has affirmed that his daughters will continue to eulogise their late sister after his death.

He said the family will make sure that Ebony’s impact endures for generations to come.

Mr. Kwarteng maintained that, even after he is gone, his daughters will diligently continue the work he started, ensuring that Ebony’s memory and contributions remain alive indefinitely.

“It’s my pleasure. When I’m gone, my daughters will take it from there because that is the deal. One day I will be gone. They need to do what I am doing now till thy kingdom come. Nana Hemaa deserves that,” Starboy Kwarteng said, underscoring his daughters’ role in perpetuating Ebony’s legacy.

Starboy Kwarteng’s dedication to honouring his daughter’s memory is evident in his annual organization of a Jollof party, a tribute to Ebony’s favourite food.

This event serves as a celebration of her life and a gathering for fans to remember her contributions to the music industry.

The tragic loss of Ebony Reigns, along with her assistant Franklina Yaa Nkansah Kuri and soldier Atsu Vondee, remains a poignant chapter in Ghana’s music history.

Ebony’s passing on February 8, 2018, just eight days before her 21st birthday, sent shockwaves through the nation, leaving an indelible mark on her fans and loved ones.