Celebrated chef Failatu Abdul-Razak has officially commenced her ambitious journey to etch her name in the Guinness World Records by attempting the longest cooking marathon ever achieved by an individual.

The five-day-long culinary marathon, from January 1 to 5, 2024, marks Chef Failatu Abdul-Razak’s determined effort to surpass the current record of 119 hours and 57 minutes.

This record was set last year by Alan Fisher from Ireland, after he broke the wide-known Hilda Baci’s record.

Chef Failatu, with the assistance of a deputy chef, have set up at the Modern City Hotel in Tamale.

As the clock ticks, Failatu Abdul-Razak endeavors to cook continuously for 120 hours or more.

Beyond her passion, skill, and commitment to breaking new grounds in the world of gastronomy, she aims to promote Ghanaian meals to the world.

Watch a live coverage of Chef Failatu’s attempt on Joy Prime