Lawyer Alfred Papa Darkwa, counsel for Superintendent George Asare, one of the police officers implicated in the alleged conspiracy to remove the Inspector General of Police, has said it is appropriate for Dr. George Akuffo Dampare to express emotions when he appeared before the the parliamentary committee.

According to him, it is only natural for a human being to exhibit emotions, especially when going through tough times.

“As a human being, it is normal for him to be emotional. All the things happening mean his integrity is at stake, and it’s normal for him to be emotional” Mr. Darkwa said in an interview on Adom FM’s morning show, Dwaso Nsem, on Wednesday.

He noted that, the IGP’s friendly interactions with the police officers was not staged as it is being speculated.

Mr. Darkwa added that, his client is ready to cooperate with the committee to put matters to rest.

Meanwhile, the IGP strongly asserted his innocence and firmly denied all the “baseless, false, and wild” allegations leveled against him by his accusers when he appeared before the committee.

We may allow witnesses to cross-examine themselves – Atta Akyea

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