High prices of wigs hit Ahafo: Women hint at cutting their hair


Many women with permed hair in Ahafo Region have hinted at cutting their hair due to the high prices of wigs during the Christmas season.

Speaking to Adom News‘ Sammy Asare, women in areas like Goaso, Mim, Hwidiem, Kenyasi among others, explained that the rate at which prices of wigs sold at shops in the region have increased is alarming.

This development is compelling them to cut their hair as part of their grooming for the Christmas and New year festivities.

“Previously, one could buy two, three, four of the wigs for one hairstyle but now, the prices are so high that one can hardly afford just one wig,” one lady said.

According to the worried women, currently, the wigs are no longer affordable.

According to them, shop attendants are not ready to reduce prices because the wigs have fixed prices attached.

“We can no longer afford the wigs, so what I intend to do is to trim it and dye it. The retailers are now buying them from wholesale at the cost they [retailers] used to sell them to us. So when they come, they also sell them to us at a higher cost.

“They have price tags already placed on them and if you ask for a reduction, what they tell you is that there’s nothing they can do about it since it’s a fixed price,” one of the women said.

A shop attendant named Sandra, responding to the concerns of the women, stated that they are not to blame for the price hikes.

She clarified that traveling to Accra, Kumasi, Sunyani and other areas for wigs and other hair products is costly and as businesswomen, they factor all these into the pricing of the items.

She further mentioned that business is slow ahead of the festivities due to the supposed high prices which aren’t their fault. However, she hopes that business would boom as the days go by because currently, they are recording very low sales.

“I haven’t been able to hit my target for this year. I haven’t even made up for what I made last year, so I’m very worried. When the customers come and you mention the prices, they complain about the prices being high.

“But there’s nothing we can do about the situation since the prices at the wholesale are very high. We also have to factor the cost of transportation and other things into it. So we have no choice but to add a little to the wholesale prices,” she said.

“We are hoping that things get better between today and tomorrow otherwise, the market is very slow,” she added.