GNAT’s take on GES’ directive to SHS heads over sale of items on prospectus


General Secretary for the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), Thomas Tanko Musah, has said its members have been cautioned to desist from anything illegal.

Speaking with respect to the GES directive to heads and teachers of second-cycle schools not to sell items on the prospectus for freshmen, he urged members to adhere to it

He indicated that Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is not as effective as it used to be.

“We have warned the teachers that they should stay away from anything that will make them appear before the disciplinary committee. We have told the teachers not to do anything that will get them in trouble. Recently, it’s like the PTA is ineffective.

“We don’t have that right to charge any parent, we don’t have the right to charge any student. But the parents should be mindful that as you’re sending your child to school if the place or environment is not conducive for learning, anything that happens your child will suffer for it,” he said on Accra-based Neat FM.

Mr Musah opined that consultations should have been done at the regional and district levels before the prospectus was prepared for the various schools.

“It would have been better if the regional directors had been directed because the schools are under them. They could have been directed together with the District Directors to go and find out.”

He suggested that all stakeholders in the educational sector must work together to make the system better.


GES sends strong message to schools, parents over prospectus

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In a statement, GES has warned heads of Senior High Schools to desist from selling items on the prospectus to first year students.

Parents and guardians have also been advised to buy the items from the open market to avoid any conflict of interest on the part of the school authorities.

The Service has cautioned the practice is prohibited and directed all school heads to immediately halt the practice.

The statement has indicated investigations will soon commence.