A Deputy Director of Communications for the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Afia Akoto, has urged the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to “stop the unnecessary drama and hypocrisy” on the ambulance purchase trial involving Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson.

According to her, the issue does not concern the NDC.

The NDC, in a statement on May 23, accused the Attorney-General of manipulating the ongoing trial of Dr Cassiel Ato Forson.

This accusation came after the third accused in the ambulance purchase trial, Richard Jakpa, claimed that the Attorney-General had approached him to build a case against Ato Forson.

However, Ms Akoto, speaking on Adom FM’s morning show, Dwaso Nsem Friday, emphasised that, if Mr Jakpa has evidence, he should present it in court and prove his claims.

She also mentioned that, the partisan approach to dealing with such issues is hindering the country’s growth and urged for a more respectful and honourable way of handling the situation.

“It doesn’t concern the NDC. I’m happy that he threw the allegation in court and on oath. Now, it’s on him to prove whatever he said. It wasn’t the NDC in the docket; someone said he has evidence, and it doesn’t concern you. What is this unnecessary drama and banter for? Wait for the evidence to be brought out,” she charged.

The NPP Deputy Director of Communications also suggested that, if Ato Forson made a mistake, there could be a plea bargain, and if he deliberately caused financial loss to the state, the Attorney-General’s prosecution would be justified.

She underscored the need for all parties to move past the drama and focus on the evidence presented in court.

“Ghanaians ourselves are not thinking about the country’s growth. We have let a partisan approach in dealing with issues. If he is unable to defend his claim, he will be jailed, so what is the banter about? It’s okay if Ato Forson wanted a plea bargain. It happens. We are friends in Parliament. We should stop the hypocrisy.

“Their place as a leader is a place of honour and respect, so what is the big deal? We are not enemies. If genuinely, Ato Forson made a mistake and people are pleading for him, that’s fine. But also, if he deliberately caused financial loss to the state and the AG wants to prosecute him, that’s okay. Ghana is tired of the drama. If he indeed had evidence, he should have presented it in court,” she added.