Galamse site

Suspected illegal miners at Nangrumah in the Mamprugu Moaduri district of the Northeast Region have been attacked by some angry members of the community.

The attack, which occurred on Thursday afternoon, has left four security guards of the mining site injured and hospitalised with one in critical condition.

The mining site has also been closed down following the attack which was reportedly led by the community’s chiefs and elders, JoyNews sources in the community have confirmed.

It is still unclear why the attack due to the slow pace of information flow as a result of lack of telecommunication network in the community.


However, tension had been brewing recently between the community members and the  mining company -which they accused of destroying their farmlands and water sources. 

One of the community members, who spoke to JoyNews by telephone, said the youth of the community were not benefiting from the mining activities in the area and that their action was to support the ongoing operations against illegal miners in the country.

The four injured security guards were said to have been attacked with machetes during the violent scuffle which broke when the community members stormed the illegal mining site.

The District Chief Executive, Abu Adams, when contacted said an investigation has been launched into the incident.

The police are yet to visit the scene.