Office workers were screaming in terror when a 6ft-long lizard hurled itself into their office during the middle of the day.

The beast ran into the courier company’s building on the island of Koh Samui, in southern Thailand, on November 20 – much to the disbelief of the three women who were working in there.

CCTV video captured the shocked staff screaming as the Godzilla-like reptile whipped its razor sharp tail and hurled itself against a glass door.

One woman ran outside while another stood on her table and a third hid in the corner of the room as she frantically called for help.

One woman ran outside while another stood on her table and a third hid in the corner of the room as she frantically called for help

The lizard looked equally baffled at how he ended up in the room, cramming himself into a corner and tasting the air, seemingly wondering what on earth he’d got himself into.

The footage starts of silent as the women get on with their jobs, until one of them lifts her head to see what an incoming noise is.

Without warning the lizard crashes into the camera frame, skidding to a stop at the end of the room as the women scream.

The lizard looked equally baffled at how he ended up in the room, cramming himself into a corner and tasting the air

One of the terrified office girls said they thought the monitor lizard – which are known to bite humans – would attack one of them.

She said: “This is the scariest thing that has ever happened in the office. I get scared when I see a tiny house lizard in the room smaller than my finger.

“So when the monitor lizard ran in, my heart leapt out of my chest. I really thought it could attack us.”

Animal handlers arrived and the monitor lizard left on its own without being hurt.

Asian water monitor lizards live in canals and ponds in large cities in Thailand where they feed on fish, snakes, frogs and scraps of food left by humans.

They are aggressive when threatened and have a mildly venomous bite which sometimes carries harmful bacteria.