The Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation has brought relief to female pupils of Kojo-Oku D/A JHS in the Gomoa East District of the Central Region.

The foundation, in collaboration with Miss Earth Ghana 2023, Priscilla Asante, has donated sanitary pads, panties, deodorant, and other essential items to support menstrual hygiene among these young girls.

This timely intervention has brought hope to the students, who have been struggling to access basic sanitary products.

The support is a beacon of light in a region where menstrual hygiene remains a significant challenge.

Priscilla Asante, Community Laison Officer for Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation, has called on the government to waive taxes on sanitary pads and make them more affordable for poor female children.

Priscilla Asante, Community Laison Officer for Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation

“Reducing taxes on sanitary pads will significantly improve women’s menstrual hygiene,” she emphasized.

Senior Nurse at Majorel, Joyce Mensah, also cautioned the female students against compromising their future for meagre gains.

Senior Nurse at Majorel, Joyce Mensah

“Focus on your studies, and don’t chase GH₵2 and GH₵5 from men,” she advised.

The beneficiaries of the free sanitary pads and panties expressed their gratitude to the Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation and Majorel for their kindness.

“Access to sanitary pads has been a major challenge for us, and we are grateful for this support,” they said in unison.

This initiative is a testament to the power of community support and the impact that organizations like Viola Ford Fletcher Foundation can have on the lives of young girls.

By promoting menstrual hygiene and providing essential items, the foundation is empowering these students to focus on their education and build a brighter future.