Residents of McCarthy Hill in the Weija Gbawe municipality are calling on the Ghana Water Company Limited(GWCL) to address challenges with water supply in the area.

The residents have revealed they have for the past three months been experiencing water shortage, while attempts to seek redress have been fruitless.

“It’s been troubling us. We have children who attend school, and in the morning, we have to travel a considerable distance to fetch water before they can prepare for school. That worries us greatly.

“Moreover, when we return from work, there’s no water. You open the tap, and it doesn’t flow. When you complain, they acknowledge there’s a problem, but they don’t disclose the actual issue,” a resident expressed frustration in an interview with Accra-based Citi News.

They added that, their predicament has been brought to the attention of the Assembly member but they are yet to see any action.

“We complained to the Assembly Member here, and she said she would look into it. Later, she confirmed to us that they reported a problem somewhere, one of their machines is broken down. We went to the waterworks, and they said they would come and fix it but haven’t done so. We need water. If there’s a problem with the pump, they need to replace it,” they noted.