Akuapem Poloo

Actress and influencer Akuapem Poloo has candidly revealed that the infamous nude photo she took with her son continues to haunt her, describing it as her life’s only significant regret.

In an interview on Accra FM, Akuapem Poloo, whose real name is Rosemond Brown, shared her ongoing distress over the incident that led to her arrest in 2020.

The photo, which she posted on social media to celebrate her son’s seventh birthday, stirred massive public outrage and legal repercussions.

“Since childhood, till now, my only regret is the picture I took with my son. Aside from that, I have no regrets. The memory is seriously haunting me,” Poloo confessed. She expressed her anxiety about how her son would perceive and understand the situation as he grows older. “I’m thinking about my son, he’ll grow up. As he is growing now, he’s asking a lot of questions already.”

As a single mother, Poloo is concerned about how she will explain the incident to her son in a way that he can comprehend. “I need to prepare myself for how I’ll answer him for him to understand the situation of how his nakedness and he, standing in front of me as if he’s looking at mummy’s nakedness, will sound in his mind. That is my only regret,” she stated.

Meanwhile, the controversy began in July 2020 when Akuapem Poloo posted the nude photo of herself with her son on social media.

The backlash was immediate and severe, leading to her arrest and subsequent legal battles.

In April 2021, the Accra High Court sentenced her to three months in prison, intending to deter others from similar actions.

Akuapem Poloo pleaded guilty to charges including the publication of obscene material, engaging in domestic violence by undermining the privacy and integrity of another person, and engaging in domestic violence detrimental to the dignity of another human being.

Despite her professional success and influence, this incident remains a poignant reminder of the challenges and responsibilities that come with public life and parenthood.

Poloo’s reflections highlight the enduring impact of past actions and the importance of considering their long-term effects on loved ones.