The Electoral Commission (EC) has issued a stern warning to its temporary officers, emphasising that any violations of its regulations will not be tolerated.

This warning comes in the wake of the recent arrest of a registration official at the Pusiga District Registration Centre in the Upper East Region.

The official was apprehended for allegedly colluding with party agents to register 17 applicants using counterfeit Ghana Card numbers.

Addressing journalists in Accra on Tuesday, May 21, Samuel Tetteh, the Deputy Commissioner in charge of Operations at the EC, asserted that those involved in such illegal activities will face serious consequences.

He stated that the culprits will be handed over to the police and permanently blacklisted from the commission.

Mr Tetteh stressed the importance of adherence to the law, highlighting that the EC aims to maintain fairness, transparency, and openness in its operations.

He warned that any acts of misconduct could derail the progress and integrity of the electoral process.

“The Commission would like to warn its temporary officials that it will not countenance the breach of its electoral laws.”

“Any person found violating the laws of the commission will be handed over to the police and permanently blacklisted from the Commission,” he said.


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