Milk in its raw form is a rich source of calcium but has an abundance of fat content too! Not just that it is a staple dairy product in several countries and is used in several beverages.

Be it a coffee or tea, you can imagine nothing without it. The milk market is quite wide and has so many variants that it creates a state of confusion among many. From full cream to skimmed milk and double-toned to single-tone milk, there are several milk types that you can easily get in the market. However, as compared to each other, toned milk stands out as it has less fat content in it and yet it has a rich taste. It can be easily said that toned milk is the refined version of cow’s milk.

The real reason behind why the concept of toned milk came out was, to retain the nutritional value of milk while bidding adieu to the calories.

What is toned milk?

Primarily produced and consumed in India, toned milk is made by adding powdered skim milk and water to whole milk. This method was started in India in order to reduce the fat content and is also comparatively cheaper than the other milk types.

What is double toned milk?

Here is another type of toned milk which is the double toned milk in which the fat content is reduced up to 9 per cent, and can be consumed without having the need to boil it.

Rich in nutrition

The only difference between toned and whole milk is the reduction of fat content while every other nutrient composition remains the same. It has calcium in abundance which strengthens the bones, teeth and muscles. Also, studies have linked milk intake to a lower risk of obesity.

Controls hunger pangs

Do you get random hunger calls from your stomach? Here’s how you can stop that from occurring. Drink a glass of toned milk every morning and beat the hunger pangs!

Low calorie

A cup of toned milk contains 150 calories, whereas a cup of whole milk contains 285 calories. Calories in toned milk come from its carbohydrate content. Less fat means low cholesterol and that’s why it is healthier and safer for people aged above 35 to avoid diseases which are caused by high cholesterol.

How much toned milk should you consume within 24 hours?

Children between 3-12 years can consume 3 glasses of toned milk while adolescents are advised to have two glasses of toned milk.

Source: TNN/