
Dreams decoded: What does it mean if you kiss your ex in your dreams?

If you have ever woken up from a vivid and intense dream about an ex-partner, you are not alone. Dreams are weird and they often transport you to an alternate reality and you wake up trying to decipher the hidden meaning behind them. Things can get especially confusing when you dream about your long-forgotten ex, completely out of the blue.

02/5What does it mean?

You wake up scratching your head, trying to decipher whether you should check on them or brush away the dream entirely. While it may be easy to let go of a dream featuring your ex-beau, what does it mean if you share a passionate moment or two with him/her in your dreams? Is it a sign that you should get back with your ex or you are still attracted to your previous partner/s? Since dreams can be equal parts bizarre and tricky, it is important to understand the psychology behind these intense dreams, including the one where you engage in a lip-lock with your ex-partner.

Here are different dreams people usually have about their ex-partners and what they may mean:

03/5​A dream about your ex, years after separation

Dreaming about your ex-partner is always confusing and more so, if it has been years since the two of you separated. It can make you wonder whether you are meant to be with them or should at least check with what they are doing right now. Before you go ruminating, it is important to look at your dreams symbolically and not literally. This means, when you dream about a previous partner, it may signify that you are missing a part of their personality and the life you led at that point of time. We all have beautiful phases in our lives where life just seemed to flow effortlessly. So, maybe you dated your ex at the same time when your life appeared to be going in the direction you wanted it to and you want that phase back.

04/5​A dream about sleeping with your ex-beau

Again, it is important to look at the dream symbolically instead of its literal meaning. When you dream about doing it with your ex, it might be a good time to reflect on your current sexual situation. Pay attention to the whole picture and how the dream made you feel. If it felt good or pleasurable, it may signify that your sexual needs are shifting and you are craving more intensity in between the sheets. If it felt awkward and weird, maybe something happened recently which took you back to that point of time in your life. It could be anything from stumbling upon an old picture to visiting an old friend.

05/5​A dream about kissing your ex

Remember, your dreams more often than not, are a medium of communicating with your subconscious mind. If you saw yourself engaging in a passionate liplock with your ex, it may mean that you are yearning for the same amount of passion in your life currently. Dreaming about an ex doesn’t necessarily mean that you are missing them and can create quite a confusion if you are in a happy, stable relationship in the present. So, when you have a dream about kissing your ex, maybe it is time to reflect on your current relationship and understand what you are craving for. Dreams mostly shed light on inner turmoil and pave the way to a better understanding of your subconscious mind.