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New Year resolutions for your love life

The best part about New Year’s Eve is the resolutions that you could take and act upon to make the next year even more cherishable than before. You can make little promises to change some things in your life and the upcoming year is the best time to do it. Also, instead of making huge plans that are difficult to implement, it’s better to start small. Here are 7 New Year resolutions to take your love life to the next level in 2020.

To plan something together

Make a weekend trip, day trip, or an overnight stay in a hotel in your own town- just plan something. It’s less important what you choose because the planning process and excitement of doing something new together is the real part of this resolution. You learn a lot about a person by planning something together. And that’s a good milestone to reach in any relationship.

To do something completely new

Step out of your comfort zone and do something that your partner likes or really wants to try. This way, you will have a chance to create new memories with your partner that will stay with you forever. These memories are something to look back and rejuvenate yourself at times when you are hitting lows in your relationship.

To eat something new every month

Going out to different and new food joints or restaurants will help you from being one of those sad couples who just stare at food and phones while they silently eat at the same table every week. And this will potentially help you find your new favourite restaurant or dish.

Pick a day to do absolutely nothing together

It’s pretty easy to get along with someone when you’re always doing cool, fun things together, which is certainly one benefit of being in a relationship. But sometimes you should try spending an entire day doing nothing together. If you two can enjoy yourselves without any distractions or activities, you’ve got something solid. Also, you just enjoyed a day of total rest.

To be more candid with your partner about your sexual preferences

Couples who have been together for a long time often find that their sex lives become dull. It is possible to communicate your sexual needs and preferences to your partner without offending them. A good way to bring up something you’d like to try in bed is by mentioning that you recently read about how much other people enjoyed it. That way, it seems less like a complaint and more like a fun and spontaneous suggestion.

Resolve to live in the moment

When you are in a relationship, it’s easy to start thinking about your future. But when you do that, you create unrealistic expectations for the person you are with. Instead, just be present with the person you are dating. Enjoy every moment you get to spend together, whether it’s a night, a month, or years!

To be a better listener!

It’s the little things that really keep a relationship strong, yet those little gestures and efforts are often the first things to be forgotten in the daily hustle. It’s time to be all ears. Decide to be patient and give time to your partner to speak for a short period of time without interruption.