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1. Is there a big age difference between you and your partner?

Most of us date someone who is a few years or months elder or younger than us because having a small age difference might not be a big deal for most couples. However, being in a relationship with someone with whom you share a big age gap comes with its own set of pros and cons. Here are some things that can impact your relationship if you share a significant age gap with your partner.

2. Maturity level

Both the partners can be at different stages of life and hence have different perspectives and understanding of life. Also, it is pretty normal to have a difference of opinion on most matters and varying maturity levels. But what matters most is both the partners respect each other’s perspective and do not let this difference of viewpoint become a bone of contention in their relationship.

3. Sexual readiness

Age plays an important role in sexual desire of people. So, when there is a considerable age gap between partners, there are chances that their sexual readiness might not match. Therefore, it is really important for both the partners to keep their communication open on this subject. They should engage in any kind of sexual activity only when both are prepared and on the same page.

4. It’s important to share a similar vision for the future

The age difference between partners isn’t a hurdle till the point both the partners share the same set of values and want the same thing from the relationship. In fact, age difference might not matter much if they share a similar vision for the future.

5. Make sure no one dominates

Sometimes, the older partner tends to be more decisive and ends up dominating the younger one. Further, the younger one might find it difficult to voice his opinion and it might make him feel immature and inferior. But a relationship can only survive and thrive when both the partners are freely able to express their concerns and share equal powers.

6. Friend circle

It is obvious that you would have an age gap with your partner’s friends as well. It can be at times a bit awkward to hang out with a group of people who are significantly younger or elder to you and have different areas of interest. For instance, while the group might be excited to go clubbing on a Friday night, the other partner might be more inclined to watch a movie in the comfort of their bedroom. But one can surely develop a healthy rapport with the partner as they spend more time together time.

7. Don’t blame age for everything

Partners tend to blame their age difference whenever their relationship hits a rough patch. However, there is no rulebook that says a couple with age difference cannot make their relationship work. Every relationship goes through ups and downs and regardless of the partner’s age, it is honest conversations and the right attitude that makes the relationship work.