
The right time to eat bananas depends on its ripeness. Here what you should know about eating them

Much contrary to olden times, we like to know the right nutrients in our food, the best diet for us, the right time to eat and everything pertaining to what goes inside our mouth.

Today, in this article, we will talk about the right time to eat one of the favourite fruits – banana. Unlike pomegranate or many other fruits, bananas are easy to consume, which makes them the favourite of many.

Many foods when eaten at the wrong time can do the opposite of what they are meant to. What about bananas? Is there a right time to eat bananas? Read ahead to know more.

02/6​The best time to eat bananas

The best time to eat bananas depends upon one’s nutritional needs and preferences. The taste and nutritional value of banana changes as it ripens.

A newly riped banana tastes less sweet than a well-ripened banana. This happens because the starch hasn’t fully broken into simple sugar in an unripe banana. The starch when broken into sugar in a ripe banana, makes it taste sweet.

03/6​When to eat a newly ripened and well-ripened banana

Eating a newly ripened banana gives you the benefits of resistant starch in it. On the other hand, a well-ripened banana, which has some dark patches on its skin is easier to digest and provides instant energy boost required before or after a workout.

04/6​Bananas can help with sleep

Bananas contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid that your body cannot produce. Tryptophan helps your body produce serotonin – a neurotransmitter that helps regulate sleep.

Serotonin is an important brain chemical, which is also a natural anti-depressant and can treat anxiety and insomnia.

A 2012 study published in the Journal of Pineal Research found that consuming bananas increases the melatonin hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle.

But people who have cough problems should not consume banana at night as Ayurveda believes it can lead to mucus formation.

05/6​Bananas should not be consumed on an empty stomach

Bananas are a good source of potassium, fiber and magnesium, but there are various reasons one should not eat it on an empty stomach.

This is because of the high amount of sugar that gives you instant energy – it can also make you feel drained after a few hours. And bananas are acidic in nature, this can lead to bowel problems if consumed on an empty stomach.

06/6​The right way to eat bananas in the morning

Nowadays organic fruits are hard to find. What we buy is artificially grown and should not be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. The chemicals present in these fruits are way harmful that we think.

Thus, the best way to consume bananas in the morning is by teaming it with other foods. This will help subside the harmful effect of the fruit with all the other nutrients.