NDC MP for Ningo-Prampram, Sam George, says government’s insistence on awarding a contract to StarTimes for the expansion of digital TV space will collapse many media organisations in the country.

Speaking on Asempa FM’s flagship political show, Ekosii Sen on Monday, the politician said:

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“I don’t work at any media station but we have to talk about it. In two to three years, you will see the collapse of independent broadcast stations”.

Are you thinking? What are we doing with 100 TV stations? The original contract was not to build plenty TV stations. If you do the expansion you will not have the content to fill the space so the foreign content will dominate. We want 70 per cent content local and you take loan to show Chinese movies to us.” He queried.

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“You’re killing Multi TV to support StarTimes. It’s never free. After six months they will pay for subscription. If it were a Ghanaian company, I would not pay to a Chinese. Is it Ministry of Communication for Chinese affairs? You wonder if our ministry is for China. The minister portrays love for china than Ghana.” Sam George said to Osei Bonsu.