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Over the past couple of months, there have been unverified claims that Harare people are now cutting off their toes and selling them for riches.

The rumours have gained so much traction and are blowing up on social media, resulting in a barrage of memes and jokes about the issue.

It is believed that foreign currency and cell phone dealers have topped the list of persons selling their toes for riches.

Unverified screenshots flying around social media show that they sell their toes for as much as US$40,000 for the big toe, US$25,000 for the middle toe and US$10,000 for the tiny toe.

Further allegations suggest that dealers always wear closed shoes or sandals with socks to conceal their feet with few toes.

Social media users have been making jokes about the issue saying it is better to have nine toes while driving a Toyota Hilux GD6 than having both sets of toes but walking on foot.

Local publication H-Metro quoted a source who said the issue started as a joke among fellow dealers at Ximex Mall but ended up being blown out of proportion.

I can’t really deny or confirm such activity at Ximex Mall but what I gathered is that this whole issue was blown out of proportion after a few guys shared it as a joke. Yes, some of the latest cars that the dealers are driving are questionable. Imagine seeing a guy who has been struggling to buy lunch for himself now cruising in a Mercedes-Benz GL400 which costs US$200,000. You have questions.