NPA boss

Dr Mustapha Hamid, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Petroleum Authority (NPA), may be making the biggest u-turn on his position regarding issues of revenue assurance and management for the petroleum downstream industry.

Barely a few months after Dr Hamid had raised questions about the potential duplicity of a revenue contract between Strategic Mobilization Limited (SML) and the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), has sighted a letter inviting prospective participants to a presentation from a company that could end up providing the same service as SML.

According to the NPA CEO, at the time, some management members of the NPA had raised concerns about possible duplication of roles when they learned that SML Ghana had been contracted to undertake automatic tank gauging already done by GRA.

Dr Hamid however disclosed that “Potentially, we consider it (SML deal) duplicitous” the NPA CEO said of the company created in February 2017 to juice the Revenue deal a year or two later.

On whether a company like SML Ghana was needed in the Petroleum revenue tracking system, the NPA CEO said the system is already robust without SML Ghana’s involvement.

“The NPA has a system that tracks the lifting and transportation of fuel products from the depots to the tanks of the oil marketing companies. With that system, the NPA can tell the volumes of petroleum products in all the fuel stations across Ghana at any given time.” He revealed.

But a letter dated May 20, 2024, and signed by Dr Mustapha Abdul Hamid, the NPA CEO inviting stakeholders for an engagement on May 23, 2024, defeats his earlier stance and calls his credibility into question.

The letter reads in part “The National Petroleum Authority (NPA) wishes to invite you to participate in a presentation by Fields Limited which seeks to provide an End-to-End Primary Supply Assurance and Management System for the Petroleum Downstream Industry. The Technology aims to provide a tailored solution to meet the needs of all stakeholders in terms of ensuring the visibility of supplies of petroleum products in the country including stock monitoring and management as well as addressing risks associated with the supply, trading and financing of petroleum products.

The presentation was scheduled to take place on Thursday, May 23 2024, at 11 am at the Head Office of the NPA in Dzorwulu in Accra.

The latest move by the NPA boss has raised questions as to why the sudden change in position when the CEO had earlier raised concerns about the duplicity of the project among others.

What has happened to the robust system of the NPA and was it the case that the NPA was not in a position to track all petroleum products as he claimed earlier?

Who is HFIElD and what experience and the person behind the company as well as their experience?

What is the need for a new service provider at a time when GRA already has an end-to-end revenue assurance system?