The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, has announced the launch of the inaugural Democracy Cup, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the legislature.

The event will be officially launched on Thursday, June 6, 2024.

The match is scheduled for Friday, July 5, 2024, and will feature a showdown between Accra Hearts of Oak and Asante Kotoko at the Accra Sports Stadium.

As part of the day’s activities, Members of Parliament will compete against former Black Stars players in a curtain-raiser match.

Speaker Bagbin mentioned that, the winner of the game between these Premier League teams will have the chance to play against the United States-based club, DC United, in Washington.

Last year, Parliament marked its 30th anniversary since its establishment in 1993, following the implementation of the 1992 Constitution and the country’s return to democratic governance.

Additional events planned to commemorate the anniversary include parliamentary sittings and debates, peace walks, and fun games.