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1. What to do if you think you are dating the wrong person

Relationships can be complicated and tricky at times. There could be phases where you might doubt if your love life is heading in the right direction or not, and you might even feel clueless about what to do next. In case, you are confused thinking you are dating the wrong person, here’s something you need to read.

2. Assess your relationship

Try breaking your relationship into separate aspects including communication, finances, physical and emotional intimacy and evaluate each facet. Think about the areas where you do not feel satisfied and you might get to know what is exactly bothering you. If you have almost zero complaints from all the different aspects of the relationship, there is a high probability you share great compatibility with your partner.

3. Ask yourself this

Sometimes, it is not the relationship that is at fault, but our unrealistic expectations that are doing all the damage. Take some time off and think about what are your true needs from a romantic partner and a relationship. Are you being pragmatic or stuck to the rosy idea of love you have seen in romantic movies? Try to be in your partner’s shoes and think if you would be able to meet these same expectations?

4. Concept of ‘the one’ is overrated

Every relationship goes through its own shares of ups and downs, and not every day can be a happy one. In fact, nobody, including you, can be perfect and the concept of finding ‘the one’ is overrated. A relationship can only go the distance when you embrace your partner the way he or she is and try to build a perfect life with the ‘lesser perfect’ person.

5. Think about what made you step into the relationship?

What were the things that made you step into the relationship? What were the traits of your partner that made you go weak at the knees? Has anything changed drastically? Answering these questions would also help you to gain clarity about your feelings and relationship.

6. Be practical

Every relationship faces hurdles from time to time and both the partners need to make constant efforts to make it work. There might be a probability that your relationship is going through a rough patch and you need to look for a solution for the problems rather than just brooding over them. That’s how you move a step ahead in your relationship and strengthen your bond.

7. Take your time

Whatever decision you come down to, make sure it is a well-thought one. Take as many days as you want to brood over the issues and then come to a conclusion. Remember, your decision would not only affect you but would impact your partner’s life as well. Hence, stay patient, weigh the pros and cons of the situation and do not jump the gun.

8. It’s time to talk!

If you have finally decided he or she is not the person you would like to date, it’s the time you share your feelings with your partner. Remember, your significant other might not be expecting this scenario and you need to look for the right time to talk about it. Stay honest and explain why you have taken this decision. Be a good listener and let your partner also pour his heart out as well. Most importantly, stick to what you have decided and do not let emotions cloud your judgment.