Emirates-celebrated Ghanaian pilot, Solomon Quainoo has recounted how he broke down in tears the first time he flew a plane.
This according to him was in 2001 from East Midlands in the UK to Brussels.
In an interview on Accra-based TV3, Captain Quainoo said it was tears of joy as he could not imagine himself fulfilling a career he dreamt of since age six.
Describing it as a great experience, he said it was a period of thanksgiving to God amidst his tears for bringing him that far.
Throwing light on his work, he said aviation was the safest form of transport and would rather be in the air than on the ground.
Captain Quainoo is the first Ghanaian to fly the world’s biggest aircraft Airbus A380.
He manned the plane on October 2, 2018 from Dubai to Accra.