Ghana has been ranked 120th globally in the 2024 World Happiness report.

Ghana scored 4,289 missing out on the first 10 happiest countries in Africa.

However, Libya has the highest happiness score in Africa, with 5.866.

On the global report, Finland remained the happiest country for the seventh year in a row while Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden followed closely.

The report focused on the countries’ GDP, life expectancy, and perceptions of freedom and corruption to provide insights into each nation’s particular needs.

The Nordic nations topped the report complied by John Helliwell, emeritus professor of economics at the Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia, and a founding editor of the World Happiness Report.

The poll asked each participant to rate their whole life, taking into account what they value.

This year’s survey included age-specific rankings, which revealed troubling patterns in life satisfaction among young people in various regions.

The survey also showed global happiness disparity has increased by more than 20% over the last twelve years across all geographies and age demographics, with considerable differences identified by age and geographical location.