Kwahu-Daa pupils, residents fume as headmaster declares ‘death-trap’ school excellent


Residents and pupils of Kwahu-Daa RC Junior High School (JHS) in the Eastern region have bared their teeth at the school’s headmaster for declaring deathtrap school as standardised in Kwahu Municipal and Ghana as a whole. 

Kwahu-Daa RC JHS, according to residents, has not been renovated after decades of its existence.

Currently, some classrooms have no windows and with slack doors, the aged mud washroom has collapsed while the classroom block has developed major cracks. The roofs are often ripped off after slight rains.

However, the school’s headmaster, Ntiamoah Ahenkora, disagrees with the residents for complaining and demanding that authorities renovate the structure.

Kwahu-Daa RC Junior High School block

 “They should be complaining of their bad road and high transport fares instead of the school. If you should compare this school to others in and around Kwahu or the whole Ghana, ah, this is a fine block,” he told Adom News’ Shine Acquah. 

Mr Ahenkora said education directors upon their visit every time get stunned because the children are not enough in the town to utilise the facility. 

Kwahu-Daa RC Junior High School
Kwahu-Daa RC Junior High School

Unit Committee Chairman of the Kwahu West Municipal, Kofi Bempong, and the Omankyeame (Chief Linguist) of Kwahu Daa, Nana Twum Barima, however, say they fear for their wards. 

Adom News followed up to speak to some pupils who use the facility and they say the headmaster’s claim is false.

Kwahu-Daa RC Junior High School dilapidated block
Kwahu-Daa RC Junior High School dilapidated block

The pupils say they shiver during rainy season because the school’s windows have been taken off but the headmaster argues the broken windows are sources of ventilation. 

A subject teacher, who spoke to Shine Acquah under anonymity, was surprised the headmaster was denying problems facing the school.

He said, the teachers run home leaving the pupils in the classroom when it’s about to rain.

Kwahu-Daa RC Junior High School dilapidated classroom
Kwahu-Daa RC Junior High School dilapidated classroom

“Ask them, we leave them alone in the class when it’s about raining. I have little kids and I tell my pupils every day that I won’t sit and watch this building collapse on me for my little kids to suffer,” he said sadly. 

Upon all confirmations from these people, the headmaster still saw no problem with the school.

The residents and pupils are, thus, calling on authorities and benevolent givers to help lift the face of the school.