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We all know getting over a breakup is really hard. Burning photos, throwing your ex’s clothes out, joining the online dating bandwagon are only some of the things people do in order to forget their ex and the relationship faster.

Some take time to move on while others fare much better. It all depends on the person. Surprisingly, people don’t realise that even the smallest change in the lifestyle can ease them up. So we bring to you 6 women who share what made them move on.

02/7A fan-girl poster

“I’ve always been a fan of One Direction, especially Harry Styles. But my boyfriend used to dislike him so much and I never got to know why. When we broke up, I put this poster in my room that’s about half the size of the wall. It looked so amazing, that I don’t know how, but I slowly got over my ex. I credit this to Harry Styles!”

Megha, 19 years old

03/7Books and poetry

“I engulfed myself in books and all sorts of poetry-writing. I was never the one to have the patience for reading an entire book, let alone read poetry. However, I found it very soothing every time those words calmed me down. The books I read, had such a calming effect that slowly, I realised that I was moving on.”

Shikha, 24 years old


“Shopping has always been a form of therapy for me, mostly inspired by ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic.’ But, truth be spoken, I loved how everything I bought a new bag or shoe, right after my breakup, I felt relieved and calm. Well, shopping helped me immensely.”

Naina, 26 years old

05/7Mingling with new people

“People often say that after a breakup, one becomes more reserved and quiet unable to be happy and energetic for some time. I did the exact opposite. I started meeting new people here and there, at a party, the book club or even where I went to workout. I felt more confident about the fact that nothing held me back. Meeting new people and feeling good about it made me feel invincible.”

Kashish, 23 years old


“Piercings and tattoos can bring in a whole new meaning to you if you actually consider them. My ex never liked me donning a tattoo nor did he like ear piercing, which I really wanted to get done. Guess what? I did get 3 piercings after I broke up and got a beautiful mini tattoo done on my wrist. I felt extremely liberated. Always go for what you want!”

Zarah, 27 years old

07/7Clicking photos anywhere, anytime

“After my breakup, I started clicking photos of every little thing I liked. Whether it was of my neighbour’s cat or the roadside cafe’s cactus plants. Everything. I developed this habit and realised I wanted to get better at it, since it made me happy, in a weird way, especially after breaking up with my former partner.”

Shristi, 20 years old