
The next thing you know is, months have passed and you have no idea if you are the girlfriend, boyfriend, bed buddy, homegirl or even a homeboy.

This simply meant that you and potential bae have had zero conversations regarding expectations.

These 5 tips will help you avoid a relationship with no direction.

  • Write it down and make it plain

Before you even get into a relationship, write down some realistic goals for yourself and the relationship you desire.

If you’re not clear of what you want, you can’t translate it to him/ her.

  • Location

If you know that you’re planted where you are with no possibility of moving, it’s important to find out if he/she has any flexibility.

It can easily become a waste of time if you never have the discussion and then figure out that neither of you has plans to change area codes.

  • Practice your delivery

Before you spend hours, days, and months together, practice what it feels like to make your intentions known.

Sometimes how you go about the conversation destroys the relationship.

  • Have a clear conversation

It is very important to have a clear conversation with your date on the kind of relationship you want.

It is frustrating to later know where you stand after years of investing time and energy into a single suitor.

Hence, have the conversation and know where you stand.

  • Do not have sex if you are not sure

Sex does not guarantee a relationship. If you think having sex means you mean something more to a man or woman, then its no.

If you are not sure your position and you want something more, then be clear and sure where you stand before having sex.