brushing of teeth and tongue

Multiple factors cause teeth to become dull and lose their bright, white sparkle.

Certain foods can stain your enamel, which is the outermost layer of your teeth. Additionally, plaque buildup on your teeth can cause them to look yellow.

This type of discolouration can usually be treated with regular cleaning and whitening remedies.

However, sometimes teeth look yellow because the hard enamel has eroded, revealing the dentin (a naturally yellow, bony tissue that lies underneath the enamel) underneath.

Here are some simple ways you can naturally whiten your teeth.about:blank

  • Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Both the hydrogen peroxide and the baking soda have been known to give results when used singly and have been used as home remedies for whitening the teeth for quite some time now.

A mixture of the two is bound to give better results. This remedy is used by mixing the hydrogen peroxide with baking soda and forming a sort of paste, which is then used as a toothpaste.

  • Banana peel

Surprising but efficient, the banana the peel has been proven to contain lots of magnesium, potassium and other teeth whitening minerals that can make the colour of your teeth look better.

  • Baking soda and coconut oil

When it comes to either home remedies of DIYs, coconut oil is king. And this is because it contains a lot of nutrients and minerals.

However, when combined with baking soda, they form a teeth whitening paste that can be applied to the teeth for a few minutes before washing off.

Method: Apply baking soda and coconut oil paste to teeth for few mins and rinse with warm water.

  • Baking soda and lemon combo

The paste is formed by using half a lemon and a teaspoon of baking soda.

Method: Apply it in your teeth using a cotton bud and let it stay for a few minutes (not less than one minute and not more than two minutes).

Use your regular toothpaste to wash off afterwards.