Wizkid is undoubtedly one of the biggest acts on the African continent. He has produced lot of hit songs and has garnered a very large fan base across the globe.
However, despite his success and the fact that his songs continue to receive airplay all over, one Nigerian journalist who is known as Tofarati Gt Ige on Facebook, took to his page on the platform to tell the Star Boy that his songs are now monotonous.
Tofarati says Wizkid’s recent songs are predictable, repetitive and boring – though he says this wasn’t how it used to be – so he says the singer should check himself and rework his magic.
He wrote:
Wizkid’s songs sound monotonous, predictable, repetitive and boring these days. Think Soco, Manya, Nawo, et al.
This is just an objective observation.
Wizzy, please rework your magic.