File photo : A baby

​Your baby’s first haircut: Everything you should know

When it comes to the little one, everything which happens for the very first time remains extremely important for the parents. This is why getting your baby’s hair cut for the first time ever is definitely one of the most exciting yet intimidating moments for the new parents. However, as excited as you may be, remember that your child may not be too enthusiastic about getting close to sharp scissors and feeling unusual sessions near his scalp.

While every baby is different and so is their hair texture, there are certain things every parent should keep in mind when it comes to the momentous event of the first haircut. When you are armed with information, getting your kiddo’s hair snipped may not be as scary as it sounds. You can thank us later.

02/4​The time for the first hair cut

There is no particular age for your little one to get his/her first haircut and it actually depends on when they might need one. If your baby was born with a head full of hair, he might be ready for trimming in a couple of months only, otherwise, those with a shiny bald head (and just a few hair, here and there) may not need it till the time they turn one! You should also wait till the time your baby is able to hold the head up.

In addition to the personal preference of the parents, one may also need to keep in mind if the hair is irritating the kiddo around the neck or is long enough to cover his eyes.

03/4​Why you should tell your child about the trip beforehand

A trip to the salon is not the surprise that your little one will look forward to, take it from us. In addition to being strapped on a chair, hear the scissors go snip-snap near their ears is no fun for kiddos. So, before you let a stranger take over your baby’s hair, make sure he/she is relaxed and in a good mood.

04/4​Here are some other tips for your little one’s first haircut:

1. As a parent, you need to relax and calm down first. Your baby can easily pick up your mood if you are stressed or worried. Remember that the sound and feel of clippers can be unnerving for the child, so remember to keep them distracted with their favourite toys or snacks. You can also make use of the cape and link it to their favourite superhero character.

2. Remember, babies can be wiggly and squirmy during the process. This is why your first priority should be keeping the little one comfortable during the whole process so that they do not keep moving their heads. Keep standing along with the barber where the child can see you. You can also sing their favourite song or read their favourite story.