The Volta River Authority (VRA) has provided mobile toilets for the flood-stricken communities as a result of the Akosombod dam spillage.

Mepe, which is the worst hit, received 14 mobile toilets, while Adidome in the North Tongu district had 10.

Water supply has also been restored to the Aveyime community.

The Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Edward Ekow Kenzo, said these relief items were secured in collaboration with Zoomlion.

Speaking on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme, Engineer Kenzo indicated most of the residents in the affected areas use pit latrines.

It was, therefore, important to get substitutes for them since they now live in safe havens, adding this is the first consignment of toilets that have been distributed.

He assured more will be sent to the other affected communities across the lower Volta Basin.

Ingr Kenzo emphasised that VRA has an emergency preparedness plan designed to respond quickly to the needs of the people in the affected communities.

“As much as we are focused on protecting the integrity of the dam, our greatest concern is the health and well-being of our people. We want to assure them that nobody will be left behind.

“Those who have seen the VRA logo will notice there is a statement under it that reads, We add value to lives no matter what the situation is and that is what we are doing to bring relief,” he stated.