couple fight

1. Can a relationship survive cheating? A study has found an answer

Infidelity is one of the most unfortunate things that can happen in a relationship and has the potential to make irreparable damages to a bond. A recent study done on this subject concluded that only 15.6 per cent of the couples can survive cheating and make their relationship go the distance. Here are the details of this research.

2. The study

In a study done by a healthcare company Health Testing Centers, the researchers surveyed 441 people who confessed to cheating on their partner while being in a committed relationship. Interestingly, a majority of couples (54.5 per cent) parted ways immediately after the truth came out and about 30 per cent tried to give their relationship another chance but eventually broke up. Going by the statistics, only 15.6 per cent couples managed to stay together.

3. Married vs. Committed couples

The study indicated that married couples try harder to save their relationship after an incident of infidelity. Almost a quarter of married couples (23.6 per cent) decided to give their relationship another try and 13.6 percent of couples in a committed relationship did the same.

4. The type of cheating

The nature of cheating also played a role in how the couples dealt with the situation. Around 19.7 per cent couples decided to stay together in case of a one-night stand and about 12.7 per cent couples did not part their ways after knowing their partner has been in a long-term affair.

5. What made people confess

47 per cent of the participants confessed about their affair to their partner because they felt guilty, 39.8 per cent said they spilled the beans because they were unhappy and 38.6 per cent spoke the truth because they felt their partner had the right to know about it.

6. What happens after the confession?

61 per cent of the cheaters said that their partners implemented new rules after they decided to give their relationship another chance. This included avoiding interaction with certain friends, limitations on going out, giving their partner access to their social media accounts, withholding sex and letting them check their phone.

7. Other details

The study also indicates that men and women, who cheated on their partner, got different treatment. While men were more likely to be asked to go out less and were restricted from having sex with their partner, women were more likely to get their mobile phones monitored and restricted from meeting certain friends.