File photo: Cheating notice

A man, identified as Deji, is currently trending on Twitter after he was dumped by the girlfriend he sacrificed a lot for.

Twitter user @The_onismate, who shared Deji’s story, said he paid the lady’s school fees three times and her brother’s hostel fees twice.

 Deji’s girlfriend is now married to a man in Canada after she told him not to go to the country for his Master degree.

When two people are in love, they go out of their way to please each other. Sadly, not every partner reciprocates the love.

Such is the case of a man identified as Deji whose girlfriend dumped him after the many sacrifices he made for her and her family.

A Twitter user @The_Onismate, who shared the story, said Deji paid his girlfriend’s school fees thrice and her brother’s hostel fee twice.

The tweet also revealed that Deji got admission into a university for his Master degree in Canada but his girlfriend told him not to go so as not to put a strain on their relationship.

Today, Deji’s girlfriend is reportedly married to a man in Vancouver, a state in Canada she asked him not to go.

It was said that Deji has never travelled out of the country before and he lost the only opportunity he had when the ex-girlfriend asked him not to go.

This story has generated a lot of conversation online as many people described Deji as a dull man for revolving his life and future around his girlfriend.

Source: Yen