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1. Small gestures of love can make relationships stronger

Sometimes, falling in love and being in a relationship might seem easy initially. But sustaining a relationship and sailing through all the rough weather is a challenge that most couples face. Is there a magic formula that would help you make your relationship grow stronger? We haven’t come across any but surely some gestures and acts can bring two individuals closer. In fact, research shows that the accumulation of small gestures has a bigger impact on the happiness of the couple than big but less frequent gestures. Here are five practical but romantic gestures that can make your bond even stronger.

2. Compliment your partner, sincerely

Compliments are a way of telling your partner that you still find him or her attractive. Sometimes, when you are with the same person for a long time, you start taking their efforts for granted. Why bury your love under the weight of your busy schedule? Acknowledge their efforts or achievements that you feel deserve recognition and compliment them. These small gestures are a way of showing that you are paying attention which will make them feel more valued.

3. ​Plan a small surprise for your partner

After months and years of being in a relationship, we become so comfortable in our own ways that we do not bother to express our love to the significant other. It doesn’t imply that we don’t love them anymore, it is a sign of stability. But should we allow the sparks to fly away by making it monotonous? At times, when words fall short to thank their presence in life, why not plan small surprises? While splurging is not necessary, surprise your partner with a gift or just take them to a movie date. A small surprise will not only brighten their day but will make them feel more loved.

4. Do a random act of kindness

Little gestures can make your partner go gaga. Holding hands, preparing their favourite cuisine, helping them to schedule an appointment or picking them up from work are all small ways of showing how deeply invested you’re in this relationship. These are also a small reminder that there’s someone in the corner who pays attention to their day-to-day needs.

5. Spend quality time together

Spending quality time together is a healthy way of keeping the spark alive in a relationship. Quality time with your partner can be as simple as making an effort to remain involved in each other’s lives, be it a relaxing walk, weekend drive or simple conversation about each other’s ambitions and interests. As long as you can feel good around each other and give undivided attention to your partner in things you do, it will be quality time.

6. Reassurance

Everyone loves to be adored and a little reassurance is like a cherry on the cake. You might think that your partner already knows how much you love him, but a reminder that you’ll always have their back will uplift their mood and make your bond unbreakable. Letting your partner know how much you love him is always a good way of showing your affection.