Editor-in-Chief of New Crusading Guide, Abdul Malik Kweku Baako has described Ghana as a country which is weak in record keeping.
Speaking at the 13th ‘Kronti ne Akwamu’ lecture, Kweku Baako said Ghana unlike developed countries has a week database on important national events.
“We are weak as a country. We don’t keep records; we keep them in paper form. They are many institutions where proper information isn’t kept. There are documents that should be sent to other state owned agencies in terms of contracts among others but it is never done…” he bemoaned.
Stressing on the matter, the renowned journalist disclosed how he goes through tough times to recover state’s documents that were needed to support him on cases and stories that were essential to be disseminated.
Records from his father, Kofi Baako’s library, cabinet and other places of importance, he said have been the ones he mostly rely on to make submissions.
“I will be the first to admit. I have searched and followed up for records that I didn’t find. There are records that I found in my father’s library, his cabinet and other places, I check with institutions and they don’t have them…” he said.
Mr Baako therefore urged the government to implement measures that will keep state records not only on paper but digitally for future reference.
“Without proper record keeping, our memories are lost. Records serve as a foundation to move the country forward…” he maintained.


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