1. What counts as cheating?

When you are in a relationship, it’s not an easy task to determine what counts as cheating and what does not because some might have a liberal approach to cheating and others might consider it with an orthodox attitude. While for some sleeping with someone else might count as an act of infidelity for a few even flirting might be counted as cheating.

  1. Does kissing count as cheating?

Since cheating means different things to different people, it may not come as a surprise if someone says kissing does not count as cheating. In fact, according to a survey conducted by BBC Radio 5 Live, 73 percent of women consider kissing as cheating but only 50 percent of men count it as an act of betrayal.

  1. What maximum people agreed upon

While different people had different opinions on what counted as cheating, interestingly, 91 percent of people unanimously agreed upon this—sleeping with someone who is not his or her partner/spouse counted as cheating.

  1. Their views on cyber sex

It seems there was a considerable difference between what men and women thought about cybersex. While 75 percent of women agreed that cybersex is an act of cheating, only 50 percent of men seemed to share the same opinion!

  1. Other forms of cheating

While sleeping with a third person, kissing and cybersex were counted by a maximum number of people as a form of cheating, when it came to having a profile on dating apps, people were not sure if it was a sign of infidelity. Only 40 percent people agreed that using a dating app when you are in a relationship counted as cheating.

  1. 2,066 participants expressed their opinion

Around 2,066 participants from Britain took part in the survey, which asked them various questions related to their relationship and what counts as cheating. Besides these, the participants were also asked to express their views on sex education.

  1. Does sex education help?

When asked to express their views on sex education and if it helps them prepare for their sex life later, 47 percent of the participants said it didn’t.

  1. What experts think

According to experts, if people draw their own lines demarcating what counts as cheating or not, yet something as intimate as kissing a person apart from a partner is a sign that there are cracks in the relationship. How can kissing be casual? It is an intimate gesture shared by two people when they come closer. And we are not talking about a peck in the hand or cheeks here.