1. Falling in love is good, falling too often is bad!

Falling in love is a beautiful experience and everyone looks forward to it. But falling in love too quickly and with the wrong person can ruin the experience. Do you say, ‘I love you’ too often? If you can relate to this question and are wondering whether to admit that falling in love is your Achilles heels, we have some wonderful suggestions to help you get over this dilemma of being in love more often than necessary.

2. Know the difference between love and infatuation

A lot of time, we confuse infatuation with love and end up confessing our feelings to the person only to realize it’s actually a false alarm. Knowing whether it’s real love or just plain old attraction playing tricks with your heart would stop you from repeating the same mistake.

3. Count the times you have fallen in love

This is one trick which will stop you from wearing your heart on your sleeve. Whenever you feel those well-known emotions tugging at the strings of your heart, take a deep breath and think about the many instances when your heart has played the same old trick. Ask yourself this question: What is so different about this time from the hundred other times you have fallen in love?

4. Be honest with yourself

This matters the most—being honest with yourself. A lot of times we only believe what we want to believe even though the reality might be something else. Do you really want to be in love because of the experience or is there any other reason behind it? Is it because you are lonely and need a partner or do you fall in love due to peer pressure?

5. The negative traits

Another way to dissuade yourself from falling in love with someone is by concentrating on the negative traits of the person. Love is blind and no wonder, we often tend to ignore the bad things about the person we are in love with. But noticing the unappealing traits of the person you are in love with can actually be helpful for you if you are someone who falls in love too quickly.

6. Rule your emotions and not the other way around

This is an important rule: instead of letting your emotions rule your life and decisions, you should be the one ruling your emotions. This might not be an easy thing to do initially but once you start doing it, things would gradually fall into place. One way to do that is by practicing mindfulness—keeping a track of your emotions, trying to understand why you are feeling what you are feeling or simply being aware of your emotions.

7. Set boundaries

Sometimes it’s helpful to have boundaries because these can keep your inconsistent heart in check. For example, if you spend a lot of time with someone, it’s only natural to develop friendly feelings for him or her. And you might mistake these emotions as love. So, set some boundaries and check yourself from crossing these whenever you sense those familiar emotions stirring inside your heart.

8. Tell a close confidante about it

Take help from a friend or a close confidante when you feel that you have no control over your emotions and are about to repeat the same mistake of falling in love. Ask the person to give you a reality check to keep you in your senses.