Graduates in the country have been urged to make use of the skills they acquire in school to transform society instead of adding to the numerous problems facing it.
This, according to the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Obeng Mireku of the Wisconsin University College is to help eliminate the numerous challenges that is facing society.
Prof Mireku speaking at the 10th Graduation ceremony of the school said graduates can do this if they become creators of opportunities and entrepreneurs other than becoming job seekers.
“It has been said and rightly so that the aim of education is to replace an empty mind with an open mind, today we are conferring upon you a certificate in open mindedness; armed with such, the future is bright, the opportunity are endless…be creators of opportunities, innovators and entrepreneurs and not be part of the association of unemployed graduates…,” he encouraged.
The Wisconsin University College graduated a total of 899 students; 779 out of this number were undergraduates, 15 diploma students and 120 graduate students.
Presenting the key note address at the graduation ceremony, Prof. Mireku said the graduates were from the five schools in the school – School of Research and Graduate studies, Wisconsin Business School, School of Computing and Technology, School of Communication Studies, and the School of Nursing.
He added that the school aims at developing the the skills of students from the over 19 countries that were students of the school.
He said that Wisconsin University College as part of producing graduates to meet the ever-changing job market were set to introduce new courses.
Prof. Mireku announced to the hearing of the faculty members, graduates, and parents that were gathered at the auditorium of the Charismatic Evangelism Ministry (CEM) that the school has received accreditation to start a BSC, Community Health Nursing programme. The programme, he said, would commence in January 2018.
“The institution is also undergoing accreditation towards a BSC, Midwifery programme…,” he announced.
As part of the preparation for a global challenge, three international languages, Chinese, French and English Languages are required courses in the University.
The Graduates were urged to be ambassadors of the University in the societies they will find themselves and offer the needed change to transform society.
Speaking on the theme, Promoting Job Creation, Innovation And Entrepreneurship For Sustainable Development In Africa, Mr. Dennis Frado, the main representative of the Lutheran World Federation at the UN Headquarters in New York who was the special guest of honour appealed to the graduates to work to transform economies of their nations and also protect the environment.
Be creators of opportunities and entrepreneurs – Graduates urged
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