
1. A study proves long-distance relationships can be successful

If you think long-distance relationships cannot be worked out and are doomed to be a failure, you might be wrong. A recent study says that such relationships have a whopping 58 per cent success rate and suggests that distance actually makes the hearts grow fonder.

2. The study

In a study done by a sex a toy brand KIIROO, the researchers surveyed 1,000 adults who have been in a long-distance relationship and tried analysing the challenges and benefits of being in this setup. Also, 27 per cent of these participants were in a long-distance relationship from the very beginning and had never lived together.

3. The finding

Interestingly, 81 per cent of the respondents confessed that their meetings were a lot more intimate and special due to their long-distance relationship, and about 55 per cent said that the distance had actually made them feel closer to their partner in the long run.

4. The upside

Almost seven out of 10 participants, around 69 per cent, felt they talked to their lover more when they were separated by distance. Wondering what has made these relationships feasible? Read on…

5. Thanks to technology

88 per cent of these participants gave the credit to technology for making their relationship successful. As per the report, an average couple talks for about eight hours a week over a call or video chat and exchange 343 texts every week.

6. The time factor

Going by the data, the research suggested that the initial four months of the relationship are the toughest for the couples. However, the relationship tends to get smoother once the couple stays together for eight months.

7. The biggest challenge

The study cited lack of physical intimacy as the biggest hurdle lovers face in a long-distance relationship and 66 per cent participants agreed to this. However, nearly half of the respondents were willing to experiment with sex toys to maintain physical intimacy in their relationship.

8. Other challenges

Other challenges included feeling insecure, lonely, dealing with the time difference, lack of communication, the fear of growing apart, finding it expensive to visit each other and difference of opinion over the mode of communication.