Are women ruder to each other than they are to men at workplace? Studies find the answer


1. What is ‘queen bee syndrome’?

In 1973, three researchers—G. L. Staines, T. E. Jayaratne and C. Travis—defined ‘queen bee syndrome’ as a behavioural trail of a woman in a position of power or authority who treats or views her subordinates more critically, especially if they happen to be women. The theory developed by these three scientists further states that “women in senior positions in organisations not only fail to support other women in the organisation but even go so far as to have a negative impact on them and their careers.” A lot of debate and studies have been going on since then that divides the world into two camps—one that says yes, queen bee syndrome does exist while the other denies its existence.

2. Are women in power more uncivil toward other women?

A study conducted at the University of Arizona stated, “Women reported higher levels of incivility from other women than their male counterparts.” The study further explained that women who defied gender norms or are more dominant and assertive at the workplace are more likely to be the favourite target of other women.

3. How the study was conducted

The researchers conducted three studies at the University of Arizona last year before arriving at the conclusion that women are more uncivil to each other at the workplace. Both men and women who were full-time employees participated in the study where they had to answer questions related to their co-workers who had made derogatory remarks, ignored them in front of others with the intention to make them feel inferior or were condescending. At the end of the experiment, the researchers found that there were more instances of ‘female-instigated incivility’ than ‘male-instigated incivility’ reported by the full-time working women participants.

4. Greater risk of losing female employees

During the course of the study, the researchers also found that organisations faced a greater risk of losing female employees who become victims of a senior employee suffering from ‘queen bee syndrome’. Such employees who frequently experience female-instigated incivility at the workplace often complained about less job satisfaction because of the maltreatment they receive in office.

5. Senior women at workplaces deny this theory

However, not everyone is convinced, especially senior women at workplaces. The latest person to call ‘queen bee syndrome’ a myth is Ann Francke, one of Britain’s top female bosses. In her recent book ‘Create Gender Balanced Workplace’, Francke has offered her solution to fight gender stereotyping and imbalance at the workplace and introduced strategies to bring about positive change in an organisation. According to her, the idea that women in position of authority are rude to their younger colleague is “outmoded”.


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