Court adjourns treason trial



The Kaneshie District Court on Thursday adjourned the treason trial involving a medical doctor, military officers and others to Friday, January 24, to enable Mr Victor Kwadjoga Adawudu move a motion for disclosures on behalf of his clients.

His clients; Dr Frederick Yao Mac-Palm, Chief Executive Officer of the Citadel Hospital, Donyo Kafui, alias Ezor, blacksmith, Bright Alan Debra, Freight, Colonel Samuel Kojo Gameli, Geshon Akpa, Civilian employee with the Ghana Armed Forces, Corporal Seidu Abubakar and Lance Corporal (L/C), Sylvester Akankpewu.

They have been charged together with Warrant Officer II Esther Saan, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Benjamin Agordzo and L/C Ali Solomon with offences including conspiracy to commit treason, treason, conspiracy to possess explosives, arms and ammunition and possession of explosives, arms and ammunition without lawful authority.

Both lawyers for the accused were supposed to have moved their applications on Thursday, January 23, but Mr Biad Marcellinus who held brief for Mr Kpebu, counsel for ACP Agordzo, pleaded for a stay of the motion for it to be moved on the next adjourned date.

The Court presided over by Mrs Eleanor Kakra Barnes-Botwey adjourned the trial to February 6, for Mr Kpebu to move his application to strike-out a search warrant motion moved by the Prosecution as well as go on with the substantive case.

The motion by the Prosecution has been described by the accused to be irregular.

Mr Adawudu prayed the court to order the prosecution to seek medical care for some of his clients who are sick.

The Court then ordered the Prosecution to ascertain what was wrong with those clients of Mr Adawudu and send them to the hospital if need be.

The Prosecution which was being led by Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Sylvester Asare told the Court that the accused persons might have told their counsel of perhaps an ailment but not to the officials of the Bureau of National Investigations or the Police.

He had earlier given the facts that Mac-Palm was a medical practitioner, Kafui, a blacksmith, Debra, a freight manager, ACP Agordzo, police officer and the rest officers of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF).

He said they were all members of the Take Action Ghana-a Non-Governmental Organisation, incorporated by Mac-Palm in 2018.

ASP Asare said the group planned to demonstrate against the government as well as overtake it, so Mac-Palm contacted Kafui, a resident of Alavanyo to manufacture arms for that purpose and he produced them.

The Prosecution said later, the others were also contacted including; Akpa, a weapon mechanic with the Ghana Armed Forces, who also agreed and supplied two AK47 for GH¢2,000.00 but could not give more and returned some of the money after pressure was mounted by Mac-Palm.

The Prosecution said they also held meetings to facilitate the process and drew a map covering the Flagstaff House, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, 37 Military Hospital, Burma Camp to facilitate their movements.

ASP Asare said Colonel Gameli promised to give his support before, during and after the planned event.

He said when Kafui brought the 22 explosives, six pistols, three grenades and five ammunitions, Mac-Palm accommodated him, adding that all took place from June 2018 and September 2019.

The Prosecution said Mac-Palm was said to have also provided a quantity of substance which when inhaled, would make one sleep for an hour.

The Prosecution said Police upon a tip-off, arrested Mac-Palm on September 19 and the rest subsequently and a docket to that effect has since been sent to the Attorney General for advice.

Meanwhile, ACP Agordzo has been granted a self-recognisance bail of GH¢500,000.00 by the Accra High Court presided over by Justice Charles Ekow Baiden.

Counsel for WO2 Saan had also secured a bail but she has since not met the bail conditions whilst Mr Adawudu is still seeking bail for his other clients.