71-year-old father writes 2024 BECE at Goaso


A 71-year-old man, Kwesi Baiden is among the candidates writing the ongoing 2024 Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) at the Ahafoman Senior High School examination center ‘B’ at Goaso in the Ahafo region.

The father-of-four revealed that, he did not have the opportunity to attend basic school and obtain a certificate due to financial difficulties during his early years.

He initially attended Mozama D/A School in the Central Region but had to drop out at Junior High School (JHS) 2 because of financial issues.

Although he intended to resume his education the following year, the COVID-19 pandemic thwarted his plans.

Despite these setbacks, Mr. Baiden has now decided to pursue his education, recognizing its importance.

He aims to acquire vocational skills in Senior High School (SHS) and possibly continue to the tertiary level.

In an interview, the determined father revealed that, pursuing formal education at his age is not to secure a corporate job, as he has already passed retirement age.

However, Mr. Baiden is confident his talent and newly acquired knowledge will open new opportunities for him.

His determination and perseverance serve as an inspiration to many, demonstrating that it is never too late to pursue one’s educational dreams.