
It is a major step in the relationship, hence, the first impression can be a lasting impression, potentially a lot riding on it.

How you ensure you don’t come off like some mannerless person during this first encounter is important.

Here are some five things you should not do when meeting your partner’s parents for the first time

1. Glued to your phone

Avoid being on your phone, texting, checking your email or browsing social media. Your spouse’s parents might feel dismissed and think that you are not interested in getting to know them.

2. Lie to make yourself look good

Being fake instead of who you truly are is a mistake that will upset your partner’s parents. You’re also likely to be found out at some point and possibly when it could really hurt your relationship.

If your partner has accepted the kind of person you are, then his/ her parents should be able to accept you too.

3. Publicly display affection

Although public displays of affection can be a wonderful thing, there is an appropriate time and place for it.

This does not mean you have to become cold, distant and robotic, but it does mean you need to know the audience you are in front of.

4. Spark controversial topics for discussion

Bringing up controversial topics like religion, politics or sex is a no go area.

Even if you definitely know that your beliefs are in line with your partner’s parents, some people still consider it to be in poor taste to bring it up.

Better get to know them more before raising such topics.

5. Talk only about yourself

Despite the fact that your partner’s parents are probably very interested in getting to know you, they also do not want to spend the entire time listening to your life story.

Try to find a balance in the conversation by also asking them questions to show interest in getting to know them as well.