Practising this ’72-hour’ rule can sort out all your love life problems


1. How this 72-hour rule can help to improve your love life

Sometimes we react to a situation without giving it any careful thought and later repent when we realise we could have handled it better, isn’t it? Relationships are full of ups and downs, and it is almost inevitable to avoid a misunderstanding or an argument with your partner. But whether you blow the problem out of proportion or deal with it maturely sets the foundation of the relationship and makes all the difference. Here are all the details you need about the 72-hour rule that can help you deal with situations in your love life more sensibly and in turn, strengthen your relationship.

2. What is the 72-hour rule?

This rule is simple. Whenever something tends to upset you or someone’s actions or words infuriate you, wait for 72 hours before showing your emotions. In simpler words, hold back your immediate reaction and give yourself 72 hours before coming down to any conclusion.

3. It helps you to respond, not react

By waiting for 72 hours (or till the time you have completely bounced back to your normal self), you get the much-needed time to respond to the situation logically, rather than getting into a fit of rage and simply uttering things that you might not mean.

4. Ask yourself: Will it matter after 72 hours?

Did your partner do or say something that made you upset? Ask this question: will your partner’s action matter after 72 hours? If your answer is a ‘yes’, wait for the situation to settle down and bring up the topic again when both of you are in a better mood.

5. What experts suggest

In the book ‘Kickstart Your Relationship Now! Move On or Move Out’, author Margot E. Brown, who is a licensed marriage family therapist, has talked about the same rule and emphasised that a couple should discuss things that happened in the last 72 hours. If they do not feel the need to discuss the issue in this time frame, it is better to let it go.

6. When you have a discussion

The author also suggests choosing the right words when having a discussion can make a great difference. Instead of blaming or lecturing the partner, try to express your concern and use words like ‘I need’ or ‘I feel’.

7. Address the problem

Make sure you address the problem properly and end it with a solution on a positive note. The goal is to make sure you don’t bring up this topic and argue over it again, rebuild trust and strengthen your relationship.


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