A Ghanaian man residing in the United States of America has faced consequences for making disrespectful comments against Christians and Muslims in a viral video.

The man, identified as Youngdon, has been suspended for two weeks at the clothing shop where he works as a sales representative.

Youngdon’s derogatory comments which went viral on social media prompted a strong reaction from both Christians and Muslims.

Several Muslims in the area reported the video to his employer, drawing attention to his offensive remarks.

In response to the situation, the shop’s management required Youngdon to issue an unreserved apology to all individuals he had disrespected in his video.

Sadat, the lead complainant who reported the incident, revealed that an agreement had been reached between the employees and Youngdon that his two-week suspension would be reduced to just three days if he complied with the requirement to issue a formal apology.

Youngdon subsequently issued an apology in a video, expressing regret for his previous comments.