Dr Clement Apaak


How did we go from heroes of the rank and file to villains? The anger directed at us by our own rank and file, the public mockery, ridicule, insults and attribution that we sold our integrity, loyalty and party for personal gain is paralysing.

Sadly, the history we made on 7th January has been wiped out by the events of March 3rd. We will be remembered by our rank and file as the caucus that soldout.

When I wrote a few days before January 7th that I was proud to be part of a historic and history making generation, I clearly never expected to be part of this sort of history.

While we are sure to suffer the collective shame for a long time, I’m consoled by my clear conscience as are many other caucus members.

And quiet honestly, our current predicament can’t be resolved by us alone or with the national executives. I propose an intervention by the Council of Elders of the NDC.

Truth Stands!